Temperatures have soared to record highs in the European continent. Some of the countries have already issued warnings in light of the death cases and wildfires that broke out.

Now, tourists have been warned to exercise caution when traveling to popular EU destinations, such as Spain, Italy and Greece.

This is to ensure there are no serious health risks, or casualties due to the extreme heat.

Greece’s situation

Extremely high temperatures have been recorded in some areas of some of the most popular locations in the bloc. For instance, Italy, Greece and Spain have registered temperatures as high as 40C.

A number of tourists went missing in Greece due to high temperatures in the country. Temperatures in some parts of the country climbed as high as 43C. This led to the death of several tourists.

Therefore, Greece’s capital city Athens, decided to close its most famous historical landmark. It is to ensure no casualties take place and tourists remain safe.

High temperatures forced Athens to close the Acropolis last week. Other than the mainland, Greek islands have also suffered from the impact of the heatwave.

Samos, Rhodes and Crete are some of the Greek islands that have seen the highest impact of the heatwave.

The temperature

The impact of extremely high temperatures have also been felt in Italy. A Level Three alert was issued by the Italian Ministry of Health for a number of cities.

It is the highest alert and was issued for cities that include Rome and Palermo. Considering the current situation, tourists have been told to avoid littering.

They are advised to not leave glass around and to extinguish cigarettes properly to not set off wildfires. Even though the temperatures are extremely high, traveling to popular EU destinations is still safe.


But, tourists and travelers have been advised to take all necessary precautions and to follow the guidelines of the local authorities.

Travelers have been told to keep themselves hydrated to stay safe in the hot weather and to not forget to use sunscreen.

They should also spend more time in air-conditioned locations or shaded environments. Along with these instructions, travelers have also been urged to buy proper travel insurance for their own benefit.

This is because it is not possible to predict wildfires that may break out due to extreme temperatures. Typically, travel insurance is aimed at covering unforeseen events.

These are usually related to flight cancellations, medical expenses and stolen, or lost belongings. But, there are also policies that also protect against cancellations that may happen due to extreme weather.

If unforeseen weather conditions result in your flight getting cancelled, you will be entitled to compensation. It can also come in handy if you suffer from health issues due to the temperature.

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